The primary limitation is Zoom fatigue — an issue that plagues users on Zoom’s competitor platforms as well. “Its visuals and ease of use make it exceptionally simple to use; structuring processes around projects also aids in maximizing productivity. I appreciate the openness across the many initiatives I am participating in since it allows me to see how my work affects others and vice versa. I also like how we can combine many technologies to provide a single source of status information.
You might have to get a little more creative than you would in a traditional workplace; you can still host the kinds of events and rituals employees might enjoy on-site. These can include inclusion initiatives, birthdays, anniversaries, diversity celebrations, or even book clubs. Aim to promote flexibility and adaptability to collaborate more smoothly and adjust to any changes in your game plan for success.
Increase feedback loops.
However, the switch to remote work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has made traditional collaboration much less common. Learn everything from the tools you may need to how to brainstorm remote collaboration and plan your projects effectively online. Here at CoffeePals, we’re passionate about maintaining collaboration in a world that is quickly moving towards remote work.
Make sure you’re getting value out of them by running effective virtual meetings—whether those are one-on-ones, group collaboration sessions, or team meetings. One of the biggest fears and challenges for remote managers is how to lead their teams from afar. Keeping track of performance and building a strong team culture can feel daunting when you’re not all in an office together. Since remote employees aren’t coming into your office, they won’t necessarily come equipped with all the tools they need to be successful. Before they even start work, make sure they have what they need to get started, such as Wi-Fi capacity, user logins, and access, conferencing tools. You might even include a stipend for workers to use to set up their own work-from-home office and desk station.
Ways Companies Benefit From Random Coffee Chats: How to create better relationships in your remote team
The main goal is to make sure your remote hires feel welcomed, supported, and included from day one. Culture is made up of the attitudes, behaviors, and values of a group or organization. In other words, it’s the heart and soul of your company and its people. Working from home can blur the lines between personal life and work life.
You don’t need to be best friends with all your coworkers or direct reports, but you do need a remote-friendly environment where employees can just chat. Nailing the perfect amount of communication is hard, so it’s better to overcommunicate rather than under-communicate. Provide regular updates to your team on project progress and broader company changes. Every employee will have their own communication preferences, and you’ll need to learn to adapt to them.
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